“Michelle has this knack, a radar, for sensing a problem and finding a solution... before most people would have figured out the problem. It’s uncanny and provides off-the-charts value, especially in a complex, fast-paced corporate environment.”
London, Singapore, Jakarta, Beijing, San Salvador, Panama City, San Juan, Basel – all diverse, global destinations where Michelle’s engagements have taken her, to do equally diverse work: Merger Integration, Corporate Strategy for C-suite and Executive Teams and Leadership Development.
Michelle delivers results and creates peak performers for companies, from Fortune 500 to startup, by conducting rigorous corporate coaching and aligning those outcomes with key business drivers.
Do you have a sudden void in senior leadership? Missing the right person on your bench? Can’t do a permanent hire, but need critical staff for a specific project? Michelle can easily parachute in and airlift out… although you won’t be in a hurry for her to leave.
Michelle brings a deep business acumen to her clients and stays sharp by acting as interim executive leader for companies ranging from Finance to Technology, large and small.